Wainuiomata High School Board


Presiding Board Member - Mailena Rawiri bot.mailenar@wainuiomata high.school.nz
Appointed Iwi Representative - Te Awa Puketapu
Elected Representative - Stephanie Ots
Elected Representative - Samantha Williams
Elected Representative - Nelly Cowan
Selected Representative - Lahraine Sagaga
Co-Opted Representative - Nicola Barr
Co-Opted Representative - Karl Cutter
Staff Representative - Mary Horner
Student Elect - Keelan Renata
Tumuaki - Lea Vellenoweth
Board Secretary - Hayley Lawrence


For the past 4 years the Board have funded the following initiatives:

Providing junior stationery to all Year 9 and 10 students

Keeping sports registration at $5 per sport.


School trustees have a very important role in making sure every child at the school can reach their highest possible standard in educational achievement. If you want to know more about what trustees do, view here.
Here are some of the things they do:
Work with the Principal and consult with staff, students and the community
Set the educational goals and strategic direction of the school
Monitor progress and inform parents on how the school is progressing against its annual targets and on the development of the students
Decide how the school's funding will be spent
Select the school's principal and support the development of all staff
Ensure the school is a physically and emotionally safe place for all students and staff, and is inclusive of and caters for students with differing needs
Oversee the management of staff, property, finances, curriculum and administration.


Confirmed Minutes of meetings are public record. Below you will find the confirmed minutes for 2019-2023. For older minutes, please contact the Board Secretary by email hayleyl@wainuiomatahigh.school.nz and we will be happy to forward you copies.

2023 - 20 February 2023, 03 April 2023, 15 May 2023, 26 June 2023, 07 August 2023, 18 September 2023, 30 October 2023.

2022 - 21 February 2022, 04 April 2022, 23 May 2022, 04 July 2022, 05 September 2022, 26 September 2022, 07 November 2022.

2021 - 22 February 2021, 29 March 2021, 17 May 2021, 21 June 2021, 23 August 2021, 27 September 2021, 01 November 2021, 06 December 2021.

2020 - 10 February 2020, 16 March 2020, 11 May 2020, 15 June 2020, 03 August 2020, 07 September 2020, 19 October 2020, 30 November 2020.

2019 - 18 February 2019, 25 March 2019, 20 May 2019, 01 July 2019,

12 August 2019, 16 September 2019, 21 October 2019, 18 November 2019.