February 14, 2021

As you are probably aware Auckland is moving to Alert Level 3 at midnight tonight and the rest of the country is moving to Alert Level 2.

What does this mean for us at Wainuiomata High School?

1.      Schools are open to everyone, and all children must attend.

2.      Learning will be onsite with distance learning offered in some special circumstances.

3.      Schools are not classified as gatherings and a range of events and activities can go ahead. But we have postponed the Athletic Sports until Friday 19thFeb – this was likely to happen because the weather forecast was not looking very good.

4.      Face coverings are not required at school or on any school transport.

5.      Sick people must stay at home.

6.      We will have contact tracing in place.

7.      Physical distancing, hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette and regularly cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces will be in place.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Your child is safe at school and we expect all well children and staff in school tomorrow.