August 17, 2021
Kia ora Wainuiomata High School Whanau
With this evening’s announcement by the Government, Wainuiomata High School will be closed for the next 3 days. As every school in New Zealand will be.
This lockdown happened really quickly and unfortunately; we are currently not set up for the whole school to work remotely. If this lockdown is extended, then we will look at delivering devices to students.
Meanwhile we encourage all our students, who do have a device to log onto Teams and check in with their teachers. We will ensure that no child is left behind if they do not have a device at home. We will put in place strategies to support the learning of all our students. I will keep you posted.
As noted by the Prime Minister these restrictions are our best chance to slow the virus in New Zealand and to save lives. We all have a clear role here to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our school staff and school community.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school should you require further information. My email address is: jmelrose@wainuiomatahigh.school.nz
Stay well and safe in your bubble.
Ngā mihi
Janette Melrose, Principal